Sunday, December 14, 2008


In my life I have heard a number of very sweeping predictions that have or have not come true. For example, I remember that in the year 1981 someone (initials AV) had very authoritatively asserted that the U.S.S.R. and China would come close in a strategic alliance within a decade. This person (who is very knowledgeable and whom I hold in high regard) offered as evidence a number of events such as veiled statements made in "official" "party" publications in those two countries. Remember that in those days both these countries were extremely secretive and one had to very carefully parse comments made in these official news organs in order to understand what the powers-that-be wanted the world to hear.

What actually happened was that the U.S.S.R. crumbled under the costs of a costly war in Afghanistan coupled with an extremely inefficient agriculture plus a very expensive arms race with the U.S. and ultimately saw a collapse of the economic and political system that hitherto held sway there. China, on the other hand also underwent a significant transformation, albeit in a totally different way. Today both countries are solidly capitalist (but still very undemocratic) although China continues to pays lip service to communism. But the point is that the prediction turned out to be totally untrue or at least irrelevant. On the other hand, I know of nobody, literally nobody, who foresaw the collapse of the Soviet Union, neither people on the right nor those on the left!

I just thought it might be worthwhile to keep track of predictions people make and preserve them for posterity and this is what I want to achieve with this blog. I may not live long enough to know how some of these predictions turned out. As an example, I think I remember having read an Arthur C. Clarke book a long time ago wherein he had predicted that human beings would achieve immortality by 2100 A.D :-). I am pretty sure I cannot test that (unless we achieve this by 2022 when I will be 60 years old).

I had assumed that there would be a site would have such a list but I was disappointed to see that as of December 15, 2008 it only had predictions about:

  • football prediction
  • college football predictions
  • pro football picks
  • football odds
  • psychic reading
  • psychic online
  • tarot reading
For what it is worth, has a page that is relevant - it is (as of December 15, 2008)

Anyway here is the list of predictions that I will update on an ongoing basis:

  • My friend SB, a hedge/mutual fund manager predicted that the U.S. economy will be worse off in 2018 compared to today (2008). This was in response to my observation that the quality of goods and services obtainable in the U.S. today is significantly inferior to what I saw in the late 20th. century. In general, I think the U.S. population feels much poorer compared to ten years ago. And this is something I noticed in 2007 before we had the country going into recession.
  • On April 7 2009 Michael Stonebreaker predicted that "in the next decade the database market will shift from elephant one-size fits-all databases to specialized databases". In other words people would be using specialized databases for different types of workloads such as transaction processing, data warehousing, text data oriented applications, scientific applications, streaming applications etc.

Successful Predictions

And here are some predictions that people I know had made in the past that turned out to be true:

  • In 1989 my friend Deepak Khemani had made a prediction that I had been extremely dismissive of then but has proved to be remarkably prescient - he said that by the year 2005 software would be the dominant technology. I think he also went on to say that by 2020 it would be the only technology. Incidentally, Khemani is now a Professor of Computer Science at I.I.T. Madras and his web site is (correct as of December 15, 2008)
  • The Bridge World predicted in 1957 that Canasta would not displace bridge in its popularity (but see below under "Failed Predictions")

Failed Predictions

  • The Bridge World predicted in 1957 that the new fad called "Television" would not displace bridge in its popularity

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Designing overflow-safe algorithms

I was thinking about an old interview type problem: "Given a set of N-1 distinct integers from the range 1 .. N, how will you detect the one missing integer?". Needless to say, the input contains no duplicates and the input is unordered. There are numerous solutions, with different problems/limitations:

  • Sort the input array, go through that array and locate the missing element. Problem is that this is O(NlogN)

  • Maintain an array (or a bit vector) of size N initialized to 0. As you read the input, mark the corresponding array element as 1. Then make one pass through the array and detect the missing element by looking for value "0" in the array. This algorithm is O(N) but requires investment in memory

  • A cute solution that interviewers often look for involves summing up the input and subtracting this from the sum of numbers from 1 to N ( which is 0.5 * N * (N + 1) as any high school student knows). The difference between the two is the integer missing from the input.

The last solution is quite neat except that if one were to attempt to write such a program in most commonly used programming languages one would run into overflow problems. One could use special libraries that allow one to use arbitrarily large numbers (e.g. Perl's Math::BigInt) but they come with overheads that are really unnecessary for the problem at hand. The solution I propose involves keeping a "running difference" between the sum of the input and sum(1 .. N) making sure that this difference is always within the range (-N - 1 .. N - 1). Essentially we are going to iteratively calculate the value of

missing number = sum(1..N) - Sum(input) = 1 + 2 + ... + (N-1) + N - sum(input).

The first cut implementation might be something like

i = 1; diff = 0;
while (not end of input) {
diff += i - input element;
return (N + diff);

The problem is that this could lead to an underflow if (say) the initial numbers in the input are all very high. If we instead start from the top like:

i = 1; diff = 0;
while (not end of input) {
diff += N - i + 1 - input element;
return (diff + 1);

we could have the opposite problem that we could overflow on the higher side.

The solution to this is to make sure that diff is always within bounds - if we find that it is negative, we compensate by using an unused number from the higher end of the range (1..N) whereas if we find that it is going too high, we use an unused number from the lower end of the range (1..N)

Here is my Perl implementation:

sub with_summing {# @input
my $high = @_ + 1; #Higher end of range = #elems in input + 1
my $low = 1;
my $diff = 0;
foreach my $next (@_){
if($diff < 0) {
$diff = $diff - $next + $high ; --$high;
else {
$diff = $diff - $next + $low; ++$low;
return $diff + $low; #At this point $high should equal $low

This technique of iteratively calculating a bounded value without creating intermediate values that might overflow is useful in a number of other situations. Such solutions have the additional advantage they can also give visibility into the value the input is tending to as more and more input is read. For example, we could use this technique to calculate the average. Rather than using the formula average = sum of input/cardinality of input that is susceptible to overflow, one could instead use the following iterative solution

average_so_far = 0;
num_input_elements = 0;
while (not end of input) {
average_so_far = average_so_far * (num_input_elements/(1 + num_input_elements) + new_element/(1 + num_input_elements);

And we could wrap this into a nice class as follows:

class average {
public double average_so_far();
public void add_value(double new_value);

We could then use this class in (say) a chemical plant application where two threads share this object with one thread adding readings from a data feed while another thread could be displaying the summarized average to an operator. Notice the technique we used to update the average - we took care not to use the formula
average_so_far = (num_input_elements * average_so_far + new element)/(num_input_elements + 1);

We actually used this technique for keeping track of the results of a long running experiment we conducted as part of our work doing Performance testing at Aztecsoft, my previous company.

One might wonder how far one can go with this idea. How about calculating Standard Deviation anyone? My gut told me that this wasn't possible but it turns out that my gut was wrong! Here is how we can calculate SD without causing overflows (this may not be very readable but I am not good with representing mathematical symbols on a blog :-(:

sd = sqrt((sum(square(element - average))/(num_elems - 1)))

Let sq(i) = sum(square(element - average(i))/(i - 1)

Then it can be shown that (this is an interesting exercise that I am leaving for the reader, mainly because I will go crazy trying to format the derivation in this extremely hard to use blogging editor):
sq(i + 1) = (i-1)/(i))*sq(i) +
(delta)*(delta) +
(element(i+1) - average(i+1))*(element(i+1) - average(i+1))
where delta = (average(i+1) - average(i)

Notice that none of the elements of this formula are likely to cause overflow issues. This lets us write the following code to calculate the standard deviation

sub sd { # input array of numbers
my $average = 0;
my $new_average;
my $num_elems = 0;
my $old_square = 0;
my $square = 0;
foreach my $new_elem (@_){
my $old_average = $average;
$average = $old_average*($num_elems/($num_elems + 1)) +
$new_elem/($num_elems + 1) ;
my $delta = $average - $old_average;
$old_square = $square;
if($num_elems > 0){
$square = (($num_elems - 1)/$num_elems) * $old_square +
($delta ** 2) +
(($new_elem - $average) ** 2)/$num_elems;
return ($square ** 0.5, $average);

To sum up, many seemingly straightforward "correct" solutions can break down at high data volumes but there is often an elegant solution that can overcome the limitations of the straightforward solution. Be on the lookout for such opportunities.